Sunday, October 7, 2007

Expectations and Intentions

I have several expectations and intentions about what I want to do with this journal. One of them is the series of personal history of cruising that I've already started. Another one is to pose some uncomfortable real life sexual scenarios I've had and see how you would handle it. Finally, my primary objective is to do a series of comparative reviews of hookup sites with the intent of identifying the best features out there and how we might fit them together to make a better system for hooking up. I just need to find a starting place.

To really do proper reviews, I'll have to upgrade to premium membership at various places. That means I'll probably only be able to do one premium review per month, but I should be able to do an additional free site review. I'll also have to narrow the focus a bit. The first rule would have to be that the site offers a full page member profile view with at least one profile picture. This leaves off Craigslist as a possibility, but allows LiveJournal, MySpace and Facebook. I'd also like to eliminate sites that are primarily about video chat or cybersex. From my previous experience with ICUII, CUSeeMe and ISPQ, there was virtually no emphasis on trying to make a real life hookup. I'm also a serious proponent of safe sex, so I'm going to have to come up with a plan of action for dealing with bareback sites. I think I can be objective about the site's functionality.

I've been premium members of the following sites at one time or other, so will probably start with one of them:

I was also a member of AOL for several years and found the M4M rooms to be very useful for hooking up, but haven't been a member for a couple of years.

Other sites, I'm considering, some of which are currently free:

Feel free to make suggestions or ask me to prioritize. If, for some reason, you think a certain site is better in winter than summer, let me know that also. I hadn't really observed that kind of patterns.

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